Category Archives: Baby

a baby shower…

This month I co-hosted a baby shower/diaper party.  It was small and simple and over all a success except for a minor wardrobe issue I had that was quickly solved by rummaging through the closet of the mom-to-be.  (uh… oh yeah,  I have yet to return that).

In case you missed it, here’s a short recap.

The party had three hosts really, to include Charlie here.  Dashing isn’t he?  Very stoic.  I’m sure he thought everyone was there to see him though, I doubt he cares much about the arriving baby at the moment.

Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 10.01.39 PMThe food was good, the company was good, the weather was beautiful, and drinks a plenty.  But the piece de resistance was surely this handcrafted cake, made by none other than my extremely talented cousin, Melissa Wallace of Tasty Memories out of Macomb, Michigan.  (Have any cake needs coming up?  Contact me for her contact information, she is wonderful…)  You can’t see it here, but the giraffe was wearing a diaper.  The cake flavor, you ask?  Funfetti!!  Only the best.

Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 10.04.35 PMThe guys did their thing, beer and cigars were definitely involved.  We did force them to play a game with us, which was pretty much the best thing ever.  This was a pretty fun game actually; a short and sweet relay called Tinkle in the Pot.  (Want how-to details? Just ask).  Here’s mommy and daddy playing along… no, your eyes are not deceiving you, daddy IS pregnant.

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At the end of the day a group of mommy and daddy’s closest friends joined together to support them in their up coming adventure via good company, well wishes, gifts, diapers, laughs, fun, memories, and love.  From beginning to end it was chaos, a lot of work, but well worth it.  We couldn’t have pulled it off without a handful of amazing people whom all helped to organize the mess of a plan I had written in my head.  I’m sure I amped the anxiety and stress levels on my own with my ocd-ness slash perfectionist tendencies.  Either way… Go Team Suki!

Here are the ladies that attended the girls-only portion of the party (actually, it was very co-ed, mingling type of atmosphere… but I think we used up our requests for participation from the guys with the game we made them play.  Asking them to take a photo would have definitely been pushing it.)

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Stay tuned for the maternity shoot for the parents-to-be (have I used that phrase too many times?  What else do you call them?) coming soon, right before the baby is born, when mom is popping like bubble yum.

**Note:  Photo quality is degraded for blog post purposes.  Want a print?  Contact me!